Seat: 0
Cost: 5
Damage: 1
Health: 45
Cost curve: 1.06
Desc: A small blast of fire hits a single random enemy
Target: random
Num targets: 1
AoE radius: 0
CD: 6s
Tags: ranged
Damage types: magic
Desc: Delina's eyes begin to glow as she loses herself in her magic, attacking faster and causing her Surge of Power ability to not reset for 15 seconds.
Target: random
Num targets: 3
AoE radius: 0
CD: 240s
Tags: rangedmultitargetultimate
Damage types: magic
Race: ???
Age: 999
Alignment: ???
Backstory: ???
System Desc: ???
str: 10 ( 0 )
dex: 10 ( 0 )
con: 10 ( 0 )
int: 10 ( 0 )
wis: 10 ( 0 )
cha: 10 ( 0 )
TG Tier: 3
TG AdvID: 798
Tags: delina,
Trials effect: [object Object] ( global_dps_multiplier_mult,25 )
Id | Required level | Total cost | Required upgrade | Type | Effect | Description | Name | Tip | Spec info |
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner EARLY ACCESS
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner
You're standing before the gate. Things behind it will greatly enhance your overall experience during your stay on this website, but there is a price to be paid. Question is, are you brave enough to enter the #well_of_spoilers?
Choose between normalized (used in game) and engineering notation (preferred by some people). Both notations are types of scientific notation.
This page uses Web Storage API to store user data you've added or downloaded from CNE play servers. This technology (localStorage to be precise) allows to store data internally in your browser's cache and this data is not shared with the server this page is running on (as it would be with data stored in cookies). Maximum size of local storage per domain differs between browsers and platforms. You can safely assume, that browser you're using allows for you to store ~5 MiB of data. By default most browsers allow around (9.7÷10) MiB for both desktop and mobile platforms. You might be able to increase that storage capacity through browser settings. Either way, while setting maximum number of stored user datas, keep in mind how much your browser might accept and think about the size of single data chunk (you can see those in Manage user data window). The longer you play, the bigger the chunk will be. With every new achievement stat growth, new champion being unlocked, new piece of gear obtained, obtained or opened chest, played variant ... all of those (and much more) will appear in your data as you progress further towards 100% completion, making single set of user data grow bigger.
Mentioned price is the webRequestLog.txt file, located inside Idle Champions game directory. Example locations:
- (steam game directory)/IdleDragons_Data/StreamingAssets/downloaded_files
- Android/data/com.codenameentertainment.idlechampions/files/downloaded_files
This file contains all your user data. From unlocked champions, through obtained gear levels, lots of stats and list of items in your inventory to … your e-mail address (that is, if you've signed up for newsletter and I bet you did). I can only assure you, that not a single piece of that data is being sent to the server. Everything is being parsed locally by your browser engine and stored (for simplicity) in your browser's cache (not cookies). You can wipe out that data at any time, either through available GUI or through browser settings.
What this file is used for, you might ask. You've got the answer above - I am able to organise and visualise data contained within this file to you through this website. Will it be useful? That depends on you, whether you want or don't want to access that data.
For last words, let me repeat. You will open file in this web-app and not upload it anywhere.
If you know what you're doing and that will make you feel safer, you can remove your e-mail address
from the file before opening it through this web-app. There's a bit more of your "personal" data,
like your in-game user id. While your e-mail won't be used for anything, your UID might. Not by me,
as like I wrote earlier, nothing is being sent to my server, so I won't have access to it, but you
might want to use it. Keep in mind, that if you will edit that part too, some functions might not work
as expected. Because you can open and store data loaded from files generated for multiple accounts in
same browser, that UID will be used by this app to distinguish between different accounts. For this
functionality, any UID will do, so if you're not planning any other use of it - feel free to edit it
as well. Also, please don't alter this file's structure. I've prepared script to be able to parse exactly
this file, based on the way it's being built by the game's client. If you alter it too much, this script
might not be able to find what it needs (even if it could easily find required data, it won't be searching
for it, where it shouldn't be located).
Here you can register new user, try to download (⮟) it's fresh data, edit (✎) displayed nickname or remove (✘) it along with all of it's stored data. You can also use QRCode () generator, to easily copy users between devices.
Use this table to set currently used (⮝) or to remove (✘) stored user data. You can also give proper description to your dataset by editing (✎) it.
Not what you were expecting, huh?
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but something happened yesterday (06.02). Something you might not be aware of. All started innocently - with an announcement on discord server. It was announcement with a warning about security issues related to using resources like this website. To my knowledge, up till now that's the only publicly available fan-made resource which allows you to use your credentials to download user data from cne servers, over which you don't really have any control (although you can if you know "anything" about JavaScript), so it's kind of obvious what/who was the subject of this announcement. I would like to point out that I generally agree with the contents of that announcement and those who read warnings included on this website, should know it already. Only thing I find laughable about that announcement, is the fact that guys from cne knew about the website and at least partially about the way it works FOR A YEAR ... took quite some time to decide to warn the players.
So, if I agree with contents of that announcement, where is the problem? The problem is in a fact that this announcement started a ... lively discussion, to say the least. I saw people writing false information about my project, namely because they've never tried reading how they can use it. The biggest issue was that The Superstar started scaring people by writing BS. When someone of this rank starts writing stuff, they should be careful what they write. Not only is that a person marked as a "leader", but also someone that always claims to never post their opinions, but only sticking to the facts ... maybe they should finally start doing so.
Anyway, that's why I've decided to shut down the server for some time. Enough time, to prepare this notice for you. As you can see, website works again, but not to it's fullest. Right now it's only a game data viewer. Soon, I will update it once again. This update will bring an eula-like wall of text, with information about security risks you're taking if you'd like to keep using user-data related features of this website. That info will be displayed forcefully and you will have to choose to accept or decline. If you'll choose the later - nothing would change for you, website will work as it is working RIGHT NOW. Obviously with more content as I will upload updates to it. If you will choose to accept the risks, you will be able to access all the stuff this website was giving you prior to this short "blackout", but you also won't be able to say, that you did not know about ways to avoid any security related issues.
Similar kind of info already was available on this website, although when I was designing that part of GUI for the first time, what I thought would be fun introduction with link to detailed usage info, became a bit of text that nobody reads. That would change now. I will leave the original info intact until I will redesign that part of the interface sometime later.
For last words, if you want to remove your data from this website, just clear browser's cache, since if you did not know, all your data was stored only in your browser's cache.