Omin Dran

Seat: 3
Cost: 5000
Damage: 4000
Health: 94
Cost curve: 1.08
Name: Appropriate Intervention
Desc: Omin smashes the nearest enemy with his maul.
Target: front
Num targets: 1
AoE radius: 0
CD: 7s
Tags: melee
Damage types: melee
Name: Spirit Guardian
Desc: Omin summons 15 Spirit Guardians which explode every 2 seconds, damaging all monsters in a large area. The duration of Champion of Tymora is doubled as long as a Spirit remains.
Target: none
Num targets: 0
AoE radius: 0
CD: 360s
Tags: ultimate
Damage types: magic
Class: Cleric
Race: Half-Elf
Age: 43
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Backstory: Omin Dran built the organization called Acquisitions Incorporated to facilitate his quest to find his true sister, at least in part. Despite his unprecedented success in establishing the market for franchised adventuring across the Sword Coast and beyond, Omin's full measure eludes most people. He is known to be a worshiper of Tymora, ruthless in matters of business, feckless in matters of love, and hopeless in games of chance. He is often accused of being a Masked Lord of Waterdeep, though that would explain some things...
System Desc: Omin recruits his fellow Champions to become Champions of Tymora, who themselves can recruit additional Champions of Tymora, and so on, until the entire formation is chanting praise of Omin's goddess of good fortune.
str: 16 ( +3 )
dex: 8 ( -1 )
con: 14 ( +2 )
int: 11 ( 0 )
wis: 18 ( +4 )
cha: 12 ( +1 )
TG Tier: 1
TG AdvID: 538
Sex: male
Tags: geneutral, gold, support, y3,
Trials effect: [object Object] ( gold_multiplier_mult,20 )
Id Required level Total cost Required upgrade Type Effect Description Name Tip Spec info
4389 40 1.20e6 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4108 50 2.66e6 0 unlock_ability effect_def,647 [object Object] Shadow Council Omin buffs others in the formation; position him so that he always buffs your main damage dealers.
4373 70 12.6e6 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4390 80 27.3e6 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4356 100 127e6 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4391 115 404e6 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4109 130 1.28e9 0 unlock_ability effect_def,648 [object Object] Champion of Tymora Omin recruits others in the formation to be Champions of Tymora. If you play your cards right, you can sometimes spread this to your entire formation.
4392 150 5.97e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4374 160 12.9e9 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4393 175 40.9e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4394 200 280e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4110 210 605e9 0 unlock_ability effect_def,649 [object Object] Contractual Obligations
4361 220 1.31e12 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4395 230 2.82e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4396 260 28.4e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4341 280 132e12 0 unlock_ultimate set_ultimate_attack,303 Unlocks $target's $(attack_name attack_id) Ultimate Attack
4397 290 285e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4398 310 1.33e15 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4343 320 2.87e15 0 upgrade_ability effect_def,650 [object Object] Long-Lost Friends SpecName: Long-Lost Friends
Spec desc: Omin's Shadow Council now only buffs Champions not next to him, and is slightly energized based on the number of Champions of Tymora in the formation.
Spec graphic: 8389
4344 320 2.87e15 0 upgrade_ability effect_def,651 [object Object] Close Allies SpecName: Close Allies
Spec desc: Omin's Shadow Council continues to buff the Champions next to him, and is moderately energized based on the number of Champions of Tymora in the formation.
Spec graphic: 8388
4345 320 2.87e15 0 upgrade_ability effect_def,652 [object Object] Assassin SpecName: Assassin
Spec desc: Omin's Shadow Council now only buffs Champions farthest from him, and is greatly energized based on the number of Champions of Tymora in the formation.
Spec graphic: 8387
4399 340 13.4e15 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4375 350 28.9e15 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4342 380 291e15 0 upgrade_ability effect_def,670 [object Object] Known Associates
4400 390 628e15 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4401 425 9.28e18 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4362 450 63.6e18 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4402 460 137e18 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4358 490 1.38e21 0 upgrade_ability buff_contract_obligation_post_stack,100,4110 Increase the gold find buff provided by Contractual Obligations by $amount%
4403 500 2.98e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4404 540 64.8e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4376 560 302e21 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4357 580 1.41e24 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4109 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4405 590 3.04e24 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4363 600 6.56e24 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4406 630 66.0e24 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4407 680 3.09e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4408 725 98.8e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4377 735 213e27 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4364 750 677e27 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4409 785 10.0e30 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4385 810 68.5e30 0 upgrade_ability buff_contract_obligation_post_stack,100,4110 Increase the gold find buff provided by Contractual Obligations by $amount%
4365 835 469e30 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4410 845 1.01e33 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4378 900 69.8e33 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4411 920 325e33 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4366 980 32.9e36 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4412 1000 154e36 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4379 1040 3.34e39 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4359 1050 7.20e39 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4109 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4413 1080 72.5e39 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4367 1100 338e39 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4386 1110 729e39 0 upgrade_ability buff_contract_obligation_post_stack,100,4110 Increase the gold find buff provided by Contractual Obligations by $amount%
4414 1130 3.40e42 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4415 1190 344e42 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4380 1200 743e42 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4368 1225 5.09e45 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4416 1240 16.1e45 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4417 1300 1.63e48 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4369 1350 76.7e48 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4418 1360 165e48 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4381 1400 3.60e51 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4419 1410 7.76e51 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4387 1420 16.8e51 0 upgrade_ability buff_contract_obligation_post_stack,100,4110 Increase the gold find buff provided by Contractual Obligations by $amount%
4370 1475 1.15e54 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4420 1485 2.49e54 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4382 1500 7.91e54 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4421 1570 1.73e57 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4371 1590 8.06e57 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4383 1640 378e57 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4360 1650 816e57 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4109 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4422 1660 1.76e60 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4388 1690 17.7e60 0 upgrade_ability buff_contract_obligation_post_stack,100,4110 Increase the gold find buff provided by Contractual Obligations by $amount%
4372 1710 82.6e60 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4423 1755 2.64e63 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4384 1775 12.3e63 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
5243 1820 392e63 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
5244 1860 8.52e66 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
5245 1880 39.7e66 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
5246 1900 185e66 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
5247 1940 4.02e69 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
5248 1980 87.4e69 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
6672 2020 1.90e72 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
6673 2050 19.1e72 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
6674 2080 192e72 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
6675 2110 1.93e75 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
6676 2140 19.5e75 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4109 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
6677 2210 4.26e78 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8436 2250 92.4e78 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4109 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8437 2290 2.01e81 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8438 2330 43.6e81 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,4108 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8439 2370 948e81 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8440 2430 96.0e84 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner