
Seat: 4
Cost: 100000
Damage: 24000
Health: 45
Cost curve: 1.08
Name: Tangling Scimitar
Desc: Jaheira attacks the nearest enemy with her scimitar, briefly rooting them in place with some vines.
Target: front
Num targets: 1
AoE radius: 0
CD: 4.4s
Tags: melee
Damage types: melee
Name: Insect Plague
Desc: Jaheira blankets the area in front of the party with a swarm of insects for 30 seconds, dealing a small amount of damage to all enemies within the swarm every half-second.
Target: none
Num targets: 0
AoE radius: 0
CD: 270s
Tags: ultimate
Damage types: magic
Class: Fighter / Druid
Race: Half-Elf
Age: 36
Alignment: Neutral
Backstory: Jaheira is a noble-born half-elf who was raised by an enclave of druids after her family was killed. Having gained an understanding of balance, she resolved to serve nature with the skills the druids taught her. She was recruited by the Harpers, where she met her late husband, Khalid. Jaheira knows life isn't black and white. She lives in the balance, as nature demands.
System Desc: Fiercely protective of the environment, she enrages when creatures of a certain type are being killed, even by herself. Kill enough of them and she goes into a primal rage.
str: 15 ( +2 )
dex: 14 ( +2 )
con: 17 ( +3 )
int: 10 ( 0 )
wis: 14 ( +2 )
cha: 15 ( +2 )
TG Tier: 1
TG AdvID: 534
Sex: female
Tags: dps, geneutral, lcneutral, support, y3,
Trials effect: [object Object] ( global_dps_multiplier_mult,10 )
Id Required level Total cost Required upgrade Type Effect Description Name Tip Spec info
4132 20 4.24e6 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4111 30 10.5e6 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4131 40 24.0e6 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
3632 50 53.1e6 0 unlock_ability effect_def,602 [object Object] Class Warfare - Spellslingers Jaheira supports certain classes. Make sure your main DPS Champion is a supported class! SpecName: Class Warfare - Spellslingers
Spec desc: Jaheira focuses her support on spell-casting classes.
Spec graphic: 7752
3633 50 53.1e6 0 unlock_ability effect_def,603 [object Object] Class Warfare - Bruisers Jaheira supports certain classes. Make sure your main DPS Champion is a supported class! SpecName: Class Warfare - Bruisers
Spec desc: Jaheira focuses her support on melee-attacking classes.
Spec graphic: 7750
3634 50 53.1e6 0 unlock_ability effect_def,604 [object Object] Class Warfare - Hybrids Jaheira supports certain classes. Make sure your main DPS Champion is a supported class! SpecName: Class Warfare - Hybrids
Spec desc: Jaheira focuses her support on hybrid spell/melee classes.
Spec graphic: 7751
4133 65 171e6 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
3628 75 371e6 0 unlock_ability effect_def,596 [object Object] Fierce Protector
4136 90 1.18e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4036 100 2.54e9 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4134 120 11.9e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
3629 125 17.4e9 0 unlock_ability effect_def,598 [object Object] Battle Rage Jaheira is a fierce protector of certain creatures. Her rage builds as they are killed and buffs her other abilities.
4135 135 37.6e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
3638 150 119e9 0 unlock_ultimate set_ultimate_attack,289 Unlocks $target's $(attack_name attack_id) Ultimate Attack Insect Plague
4137 165 379e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
3630 175 818e9 0 unlock_ability effect_def,600 [object Object] Lingering Anger
4138 190 2.59e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4112 200 5.60e12 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4139 215 17.8e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
3635 225 38.4e12 0 upgrade_ability effect_def,605 [object Object] Protective - Nature SpecName: Protective - Nature
Spec desc: Jaheira is a naturalist through and through. Beasts remain under her protection.
Spec graphic: 7748
3636 225 38.4e12 0 upgrade_ability effect_def,606 [object Object] Protective - Twisted Creatures SpecName: Protective - Twisted Creatures
Spec desc: Jaheira feels pity for twisted creatures from the nine hells. Fiends become her cause.
Spec graphic: 7749
3637 225 38.4e12 0 upgrade_ability effect_def,607 [object Object] Protective - Civilization SpecName: Protective - Civilization
Spec desc: Jaheira will protect those who can't protect themselves -- even if they're attacking the formation.
Spec graphic: 7747
4140 235 82.8e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4141 265 833e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4142 290 5.71e15 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
3631 300 12.3e15 0 unlock_ability effect_def,601 [object Object] Unity
4143 315 39.1e15 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4144 340 268e15 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4037 350 578e15 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4145 370 2.69e18 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4146 400 27.1e18 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4113 425 186e18 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4147 435 401e18 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4148 460 2.74e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4149 490 27.6e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4150 520 278e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4123 530 600e21 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4151 560 6.04e24 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4114 575 19.1e24 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4152 590 60.7e24 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4153 630 1.32e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4124 665 19.5e27 0 buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4154 675 42.1e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4155 715 915e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4115 725 1.98e30 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4156 750 13.5e30 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4157 790 294e30 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4158 840 13.8e33 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4116 855 43.7e33 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4159 890 647e33 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4125 910 3.01e36 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4160 950 65.5e36 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4117 1000 3.07e39 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4161 1020 14.3e39 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4126 1060 311e39 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4162 1070 671e39 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4163 1115 21.4e42 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4118 1135 99.9e42 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4164 1165 1.00e45 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4127 1210 32.1e45 0 buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4166 1220 69.3e45 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4119 1265 2.21e48 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4165 1275 4.77e48 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4167 1335 483e48 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4168 1390 33.3e51 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4120 1400 71.9e51 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4169 1460 7.28e54 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4128 1480 33.9e54 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4170 1535 2.34e57 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4121 1590 161e57 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4171 1610 751e57 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4129 1640 7.56e60 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4122 1715 2.43e63 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
4172 1725 5.24e63 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4130 1735 11.3e63 0 buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
5225 1780 361e63 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
5226 1790 780e63 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
5227 1820 7.85e66 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
5228 1840 36.6e66 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
5229 1860 170e66 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
5230 1890 1.72e69 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
5231 1900 3.70e69 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
5232 1940 80.5e69 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
6652 1990 3.77e72 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
6653 2020 38.0e72 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
6654 2030 82.0e72 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
6655 2070 1.78e75 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
6656 2090 8.30e75 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
6657 2110 38.7e75 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrades,100,3632,3633,3634","description":"Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%"} Increases the effect of Jaheira's Class Warfare by $amount%
6658 2160 1.81e78 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8416 2210 85.1e78 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8417 2220 184e78 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8418 2250 1.85e81 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8419 2260 3.99e81 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8420 2290 40.2e81 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8421 2300 86.7e81 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8422 2330 873e81 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8423 2340 1.88e84 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,3630 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8424 2370 19.0e84 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner