
Seat: 12
Cost: 75000000000000000000
Damage: 7500000000000
Health: 47
Cost curve: 1.06
Name: Thunderwave
Desc: Dob leaps out to the closest enemy and plays a chord on his Lute that sends out a magical blast of thunder and lightning, damaging all enemies in the area and pushing them back a short distance.
Target: front
Num targets: 1
AoE radius: 100
CD: 9s
Tags: meleeaoe
Damage types: magic
Name: Ethelfrith's Hammer
Desc: Dob uses the hammer to summon a bunch of skeletons to build a wall that lasts 20 seconds, dealing damage to enemies in the way. For the duration, evil Champions deal +1000% damage for reasons best left unsaid.
Target: none
Num targets: 0
AoE radius: 0
CD: 300s
Tags: rangedultimate
Damage types: melee
Class: Bard
Race: Half-Orc
Age: 28
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Backstory: Dob is an enthusiastic, energetic music-maker who never lets a little thing like 'not having a plan' stand in the way of action. His sister, Suzette, raised him. When he fell ill, she attempted various, wild cures leaving Dob with a permanent, lurid green hue to his skin. Dob became a traveling bard, self-taught in music and magic. This brought him into contact with the Oxventurers, with whom he shares many bizarre adventures. Accomplished and charismatic, this bard favours lulling enemies to sleep or hard-rocking spell attacks with acrobatic combat. Dob also carries Ethelfrith's Hammer, a cursed weapon with the power to summon 60 obedient skeletons, but exacts a heavy price for doing so.
System Desc: Dob is a Support Gold Find Champion who steals gold from the party to increase champion damage and gold find.
str: 12 ( +1 )
dex: 18 ( +4 )
con: 17 ( +3 )
int: 13 ( +1 )
wis: 14 ( +2 )
cha: 18 ( +4 )
TG Tier: 1
TG AdvID: 1039
Sex: male
Tags: gold, oxventure, support, y5,
Trials effect: [object Object] ( global_dps_multiplier_mult,25 )
Id Required level Total cost Required upgrade Type Effect Description Name Tip Spec info
8739 10 937e18 0 unlock_ability effect_def,1179 [object Object] Traveling Entertainer Dob boosts the damage of all Champions NOT adjacent to him, keep him away from your DPS.
8740 30 5.60e21 0 unlock_ability effect_def,1180 [object Object] Busking
8889 40 11.0e21 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8890 50 20.5e21 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,200,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8891 60 37.7e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8741 80 124e21 0 unlock_ability effect_def,1181 [object Object] Offshore Accounting Sometimes when heading to a new area, Dob helpfully throws all your saved gold into a lake. Each time he does this his other abilities are buffed!
8892 100 399e21 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,200,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8893 130 2.30e24 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8894 150 7.37e24 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8742 160 13.2e24 0 unlock_ability effect_def,1189 [object Object] Befriend the Magical SpecName: Befriend the Magical
Spec desc: Dob befriends his Magic companions
Spec graphic: 15748
8743 160 13.2e24 0 unlock_ability effect_def,1190 [object Object] Befriend the Friendly SpecName: Befriend the Friendly
Spec desc: Dob befriends his Charsimatic companions
Spec graphic: 15747
8744 160 13.2e24 0 unlock_ability effect_def,1191 [object Object] Befriend the Quick SpecName: Befriend the Quick
Spec desc: Dob befriends his Dexterous companions
Spec graphic: 15749
8745 160 13.2e24 0 unlock_ability effect_def,1192 [object Object] Befriend Everybody! SpecName: Befriend Everybody!
Spec desc: Dob befriends all races
Spec graphic: 15746
8759 180 42.3e24 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8746 200 136e24 0 unlock_ultimate set_ultimate_attack,550 Unlocks $target's $(attack_name attack_id) Ultimate Attack Ethelfrith's Hammer
8895 240 1.40e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8764 250 2.50e27 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8740 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8896 280 14.4e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8897 300 46.1e27 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8898 340 474e27 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8899 360 1.52e30 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8900 440 161e30 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8901 480 1.65e33 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8765 500 5.30e33 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8740 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8902 520 17.0e33 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8903 600 1.80e36 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,200,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8904 620 5.77e36 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8905 700 611e36 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8906 740 6.28e39 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8907 760 20.1e39 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8908 820 664e39 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8909 900 70.3e42 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8910 930 404e42 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8911 950 1.29e45 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8740 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8912 1000 23.8e45 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,200,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8913 1020 76.5e45 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8914 1100 8.09e48 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8915 1120 26.0e48 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8916 1160 267e48 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8917 1220 8.81e51 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8918 1300 932e51 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8919 1340 9.58e54 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8920 1400 316e54 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,200,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8921 1480 33.4e57 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8922 1500 107e57 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8740 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8923 1580 11.3e60 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8924 1600 36.4e60 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8925 1650 670e60 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8926 1800 4.19e66 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,200,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8927 1860 138e66 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8928 1900 1.42e69 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8929 2000 482e69 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8930 2100 164e72 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8931 2120 525e72 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8932 2130 940e72 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8933 2250 1.02e78 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8740 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8934 2300 18.8e78 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,100,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8935 2400 6.39e81 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8936 2420 20.5e81 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8937 2500 2.17e84 0 upgrade_ability buff_upgrade,200,8739 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8938 2520 6.96e84 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8939 2560 71.6e84 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8940 2570 128e84 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner