Brig Hellclaw
Seat: 3
Cost: 7500
Damage: 4600
Health: 49
Cost curve: 1.11
Name: War Lute
Desc: Brig leaps out and smashes a random enemy with his metallic guitar.
Target: random
Num targets: 1
AoE radius: 0
CD: 5s
Tags: melee
Damage types: melee
Desc: Brig leaps out and smashes a random enemy with his metallic guitar.
Target: random
Num targets: 1
AoE radius: 0
CD: 5s
Tags: melee
Damage types: melee
Name: Solo
Desc: Brig performs a killer solo, with flashing lights and musical notes flying everywhere, damaging and pushing enemies back with massive sound power. For the next 30 seconds, Brig's Hype stacks are increased by 11.
Target: none
Num targets: 0
AoE radius: 0
CD: 280s
Tags: rangedultimate
Damage types: magic
Class: Rogue / BardDesc: Brig performs a killer solo, with flashing lights and musical notes flying everywhere, damaging and pushing enemies back with massive sound power. For the next 30 seconds, Brig's Hype stacks are increased by 11.
Target: none
Num targets: 0
AoE radius: 0
CD: 280s
Tags: rangedultimate
Damage types: magic
Race: Human
Age: 38
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Backstory: Harbinger of mayhem and music, Brig Hellclaw causes mischief anywhere he goes. As a member of The Sirens of the Realms, he's always on the lookout for the next place to perform. He prefers singing over combat, but when fighting is inevitable, he's all in! Together with his Almiraj pet Spikey, when Brig's on the loose you never know what to expect! His trusty wand of wonder could bring a curse or a boon, but it's all in another day's work for Brig!
System Desc: Brig builds Hype to help buff his fellow Champions
str: 14 ( +2 )
dex: 16 ( +3 )
con: 12 ( +1 )
int: 12 ( +1 )
wis: 13 ( +1 )
cha: 16 ( +3 )
TG Tier: 1
TG AdvID: 1024
Sex: male
Tags: sirensrealm, support, y5,
Trials effect: [object Object] ( trials_attack_speed_mult,2.5 )
Id | Required level | Total cost | Required upgrade | Type | Effect | Description | Name | Tip | Spec info |
6350 | 20 | 435e3 | 0 | unlock_ability | effect_def,962 | [object Object] | Hype | Brig increases the damage of all Champions in the formation | |
6938 | 30 | 1.35e6 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6927 | 40 | 3.93e6 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6351 | 50 | 11.3e6 | 0 | unlock_ability | effect_def,963 | [object Object] | Rallying Chord | ||
6939 | 60 | 32.1e6 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6940 | 90 | 737e6 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6352 | 100 | 2.09e9 | 0 | unlock_ability | effect_def,964 | [object Object] | Inspired Bard | Brig increases his damage buff for adjacent champions who deal more damage than him | |
6358 | 110 | 5.94e9 | 0 | buff_upgrade,100,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6941 | 120 | 16.9e9 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
8156 | 130 | 47.9e9 | 0 | effect_def,1154 | [object Object] | Siren's Chant | |||
6942 | 140 | 136e9 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6355 | 150 | 386e9 | 0 | unlock_ability | effect_def,967 | [object Object] | "Back"-Up Singer |
SpecName: "Back"-Up Singer Spec desc: Brig generates bonus hype by backing up his fellow champions Spec graphic: 11855 |
6356 | 150 | 386e9 | 0 | unlock_ability | effect_def,968 | [object Object] | Cream of the Crop |
SpecName: Cream of the Crop Spec desc: Brig generates bonus hype based on how much damage he deals Spec graphic: 11856 |
6943 | 160 | 1.10e12 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6944 | 190 | 25.1e12 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6353 | 200 | 71.3e12 | 0 | unlock_ability | effect_def,965 | [object Object] | Critical Moment | ||
6945 | 210 | 202e12 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6357 | 220 | 575e12 | 0 | unlock_ultimate | set_ultimate_attack,466 | Unlocks $target's $(attack_name attack_id) Ultimate Attack | Solo | ||
6946 | 230 | 1.63e15 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6915 | 240 | 4.63e15 | 0 | buff_upgrade,100,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6947 | 250 | 13.2e15 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6928 | 260 | 37.4e15 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6948 | 280 | 301e15 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6949 | 310 | 6.89e18 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6916 | 320 | 19.6e18 | 0 | buff_upgrade,100,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6950 | 340 | 158e18 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6951 | 370 | 3.61e21 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6952 | 390 | 29.1e21 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6354 | 400 | 82.7e21 | 0 | unlock_ability | effect_def,966 | [object Object] | Volume Up | ||
6953 | 420 | 667e21 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6954 | 460 | 43.3e24 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6955 | 490 | 992e24 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6929 | 500 | 2.82e27 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6917 | 520 | 22.7e27 | 0 | buff_upgrade,100,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6956 | 530 | 64.5e27 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6957 | 570 | 4.19e30 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6958 | 610 | 272e30 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6930 | 630 | 2.20e33 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6959 | 660 | 50.3e33 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6918 | 680 | 405e33 | 0 | buff_upgrade,200,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6960 | 710 | 9.28e36 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6931 | 740 | 212e36 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6961 | 760 | 1.71e39 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6962 | 810 | 316e39 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6919 | 820 | 898e39 | 0 | buff_upgrade,200,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6963 | 850 | 20.6e42 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6964 | 900 | 3.79e45 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6932 | 920 | 30.6e45 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6965 | 940 | 247e45 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6920 | 960 | 1.99e48 | 0 | buff_upgrade,200,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6966 | 990 | 45.5e48 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6933 | 1030 | 2.96e51 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6967 | 1050 | 23.8e51 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6921 | 1100 | 4.40e54 | 0 | buff_upgrade,200,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6968 | 1120 | 35.5e54 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6969 | 1200 | 150e57 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6934 | 1210 | 426e57 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6922 | 1240 | 9.75e60 | 0 | buff_upgrade,200,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6970 | 1290 | 1.80e63 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6923 | 1350 | 943e63 | 0 | buff_upgrade,100,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6935 | 1380 | 21.6e66 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6971 | 1430 | 3.98e69 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6924 | 1440 | 11.3e69 | 0 | buff_upgrade,100,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6936 | 1490 | 2.09e72 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6925 | 1520 | 47.8e72 | 0 | buff_upgrade,100,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
6937 | 1600 | 202e75 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
6972 | 1620 | 1.63e78 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% | ||||
6926 | 1630 | 4.62e78 | 0 | buff_upgrade,200,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
8554 | 1660 | 106e78 | 0 | buff_upgrade,100,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
8555 | 1690 | 2.42e81 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
8556 | 1720 | 55.4e81 | 0 | buff_upgrade,200,6350 | Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)% | ||||
8557 | 1750 | 1.27e84 | 0 | global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 | Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount% | ||||
8558 | 1790 | 82.5e84 | 0 | hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 | Increases the damage of $target by $amount% |
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with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner