Baeloth Barrityl

Seat: 4
Cost: 90000
Damage: 15000
Health: 41
Cost curve: 1.16
Name: Chain Lightning
Desc: Baeloth fires a bolt of lightning at a random enemy, which deals damage and arcs up to 4 times dealing, 20% less damage per arc.
Target: random
Num targets: 1
AoE radius: 0
CD: 6.5s
Tags: ranged
Damage types: magic
Name: Now That's An Entrance
Desc: Najim streaks across the field, dealing massive damage to all enemies, pushing ones that survive back slightly, but more importantly increasing Baeloth's excitement stacks to max.
Target: none
Num targets: 0
AoE radius: 0
CD: 280s
Tags: rangedultimate
Damage types: magic
Class: Sorcerer
Race: Drow
Age: 222
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Backstory: Baeloth Barrityl is the master of The Black Pits, the combat arena he claims is 'the best show in all the realms'. Baeloth captures hapless adventurers to fight to the death all for the sake of entertainment! When he's not commanding the attention of anyone near him, he's doing whatever he can to reinforce that he's one of the top five spellcasters in all the realms.
System Desc: Baeloth increases your gold find and causes enemies to explode into confetti when they're killed.
str: 12 ( +1 )
dex: 14 ( +2 )
con: 16 ( +3 )
int: 19 ( +4 )
wis: 12 ( +1 )
cha: 16 ( +3 )
TG Tier: 1
TG AdvID: 789
Sex: male
Tags: gold, support, y4,
Trials effect: [object Object] ( gold_multiplier_mult,20 )
Id Required level Total cost Required upgrade Type Effect Description Name Tip Spec info
4745 20 8.96e6 0 unlock_ability effect_def,741 [object Object] Paid Partially with Pain
4874 30 41.2e6 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4875 50 810e6 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4876 60 3.57e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4867 70 15.8e9 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4746 80 69.6e9 0 unlock_ability effect_def,742 [object Object] Cause For Celebration Champions immediately in front or behind Baeloth kill enemies in an explosion of confetti that can damage nearby enemies.
4877 90 307e9 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4883 100 1.35e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4755 110 5.97e12 0 buff_upgrade,100,4745 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4747 120 26.3e12 0 unlock_ability effect_def,743 [object Object] Morbid Excitement
4878 130 116e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4884 140 513e12 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4879 150 2.26e15 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4852 160 9.98e15 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4748 170 44.0e15 0 unlock_ability effect_def,744 [object Object] Generous Djinn Champions revived by Najim provide a large buff which lasts until they are killed again.
4880 180 194e15 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4844 190 856e15 0 buff_upgrade,100,4745 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4756 200 3.78e18 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4868 210 16.7e18 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4749 220 73.5e18 0 effect_def,747 [object Object] Baeloth's Birthday Party SpecName: Baeloth's Birthday Party
Spec desc: Baeloth focuses on turning enemies to confetti, and the excitement that brings him
Spec graphic: 9341
4750 220 73.5e18 0 effect_def,748 [object Object] Over Excited SpecName: Over Excited
Spec desc: Baeloth focuses on the excitement of battle, wringing even more benefit out of it.
Spec graphic: 9342
4751 220 73.5e18 0 effect_def,749 [object Object] The Show Must Go On SpecName: The Show Must Go On
Spec desc: Baeloth focuses on his bond with Najim, granting even greater favor from the Djinn
Spec graphic: 9343
4881 230 324e18 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4853 240 1.43e21 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4885 250 6.31e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4886 260 27.8e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4882 270 123e21 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4851 280 542e21 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4759 290 2.39e24 0 unlock_ultimate set_ultimate_attack,352 Unlocks $target's $(attack_name attack_id) Ultimate Attack Now That's An Entrance
4887 300 10.5e24 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4854 320 205e24 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4888 340 3.99e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4889 360 77.7e27 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4845 370 343e27 0 buff_upgrade,100,4745 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4758 380 1.51e30 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrade_effect_stacks_max_mult,100,4747","description":"Increases the max stacks of Baeloth's Morbid Excitement by $(amount)%."} Increases the max stacks of Baeloth's Morbid Excitement by $(amount)%.
4890 390 6.67e30 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4757 400 29.4e30 0 upgrade_ability increase_revive_effect_post_stack,100,4748 Increases the post stack buff of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) by $amount%
4891 410 130e30 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4856 420 573e30 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4869 430 2.53e33 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4892 440 11.1e33 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4893 470 957e33 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4857 480 4.22e36 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4894 510 362e36 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4896 520 1.60e39 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4858 530 7.05e39 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4870 540 31.1e39 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4846 550 137e39 0 buff_upgrade,100,4745 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4865 560 606e39 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrade_effect_stacks_max_mult,100,4747","description":"Increases the max stacks of Baeloth's Morbid Excitement by $(amount)%."} Increases the max stacks of Baeloth's Morbid Excitement by $(amount)%.
4895 570 2.67e42 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4897 590 52.0e42 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4859 600 229e42 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4849 610 1.01e45 0 upgrade_ability increase_revive_effect_post_stack,100,4748 Increases the post stack buff of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) by $amount%
4898 620 4.46e45 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,300 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4899 650 383e45 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4860 660 1.69e48 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4871 680 32.9e48 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4900 690 145e48 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4901 710 2.82e51 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4847 720 12.5e51 0 buff_upgrade,100,4745 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4861 730 55.0e51 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4902 750 1.07e54 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,400 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4866 770 20.8e54 0 upgrade_ability {"effect_string":"buff_upgrade_effect_stacks_max_mult,100,4747","description":"Increases the max stacks of Baeloth's Morbid Excitement by $(amount)%."} Increases the max stacks of Baeloth's Morbid Excitement by $(amount)%.
4862 780 91.8e54 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4872 790 405e54 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
4850 800 1.79e57 0 upgrade_ability increase_revive_effect_post_stack,100,4748 Increases the post stack buff of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) by $amount%
4903 810 7.88e57 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4863 840 677e57 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4904 850 2.99e60 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4905 870 58.1e60 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
4848 880 256e60 0 buff_upgrade,100,4745 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4864 890 1.13e63 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
4873 900 4.99e63 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
5279 930 428e63 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
5280 950 8.33e66 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
5281 960 36.8e66 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
5282 970 162e66 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
5283 1010 61.4e69 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
6719 1040 5.27e72 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
6720 1060 103e72 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
6721 1080 2.00e75 0 buff_upgrade,100,4745 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
6722 1130 3.34e78 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
8475 1160 286e78 0 buff_upgrade,100,4745 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8476 1180 5.57e81 0 global_dps_multiplier_mult,200 Increases the damage of all Champions by $amount%
8477 1200 108e81 0 buff_upgrade,100,4747 Increases the effect of $(upgrade_hero id)'s $(upgrade_name id) ability by $(amount)%
8478 1240 41.1e84 0 hero_dps_multiplier_mult,100 Increases the damage of $target by $amount%
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner
with your support it will be ready in about 6 months or ... sooner